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Perhaps some of you now want to know, who is behind this WebSite: OK, its me and the young gentleman standing to my right already had to play his role of fearless charger in the Waterloo novel of the Warlord-Series ' Die Ehre eines Soldaten'. In real world, his name is Ivanhoe and he's a happy-go-lucky Trakhener gelding ( He has a big brother -the one looking so cheeky on the next photo- who's name is Lord Uxbridge, but this one has all his legs.......! His namesake, the Marques of Anglesey was less lucky.)
Myself, I was once supposed to become a lawyer but then turned wrong and made a professional career in the French and German Defence Industry ( which brought me 9 years of deportation to Russia, where the idea for the WARLORD Series was born on long cold winter evenings with a superbe view on the Kremlin and the icecovered river Moskwa!). Following Russia, I worked for nine years at NATO Headquarters in Brussels, just a short way from Waterloo and all this enthraling history that is making my free time so much fun. I left NATO in 2008 and I am now sharing my time between writing technical books and novels. It takes me about one year to write a novel, historic research included. This means that the WARLORD Series should be ready by the end of 2014.
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Now some words on the WARLORD Series: When I started, I wanted to make a serious comparative study of Infantry Tactics through the Napoleonic Wars, but somewhere in the middle my computer developed a life of its own and 'Marattka-König Zweier Welten' was born.'It is all India!' the Duke once claimed, when asked were he learned his craft. So why not start with the beginning! With ACTION-Verlag and Andy LETTAU I found an energetic publisher for the whole WARLORD Series in Audio Book. The Ebooks are now available from DROEMER-KNAUR NEOBOOKS. I also wrote a historic novel on Baron Schaffirow, the spymaster of Peter the Great. "Das Schwert des Zaren". It was published as an Audio Book by ACTION Verlag in August 2012 and can be purchased from Audible.de or Amazon. The Ebook has been published by DROEMER-KNAUR NEOBOOKS in April 2014 and is available from all good Ebook-Dealers on the web. I write my novels under the penname "Peter URBAN", not to create confusion in readers' minds over my technical books and non-fiction I write under my real name, including my academic title. Now,I have the Waterloo Novel 'Die Ehre eines Soldaten' under way and this will be the end of my series on Wellington. Beyond WARLORD, I am projecting to write a series of spy novels which will play out in Brussels and at NATO HQ. I have been keen to do such a book aeries for all my years in Belgium and now I think, the time has come to do so.
Over the next four pages I will introduce the non-German speaking visitors of this WebSite shortly to my novels and their historic and fictional heros.
So let's give it a click with the Hyperlink on top of the page and here we go!
Dr.Claudia Urbanovsky
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