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Longford, E. The Years of the Sword (Harper&Row 1969) : The best-known biography! Lady Longford's biography is quite unique, as she could draw on material from private papers and Wellington's uninhibited correspondences, being a member of the family. Personally I find this work a bit to 'straight-laced'. It gives more the impression of Wellington-Great Britain's new battle tank, then of a human being who chose the profession of the Sword.
d'Arjuzon, A. Wellington (ed.Perrin 1998) : This one, I like the best. The Vicomte d'Arjuzon knowledgably but also most passionately wrote about the Duke. He really likes him! Nevertheless the historic facts are acurate and the style (for those who master French or Spanish, as the book was translated) is superbe.............and bye the way; the Vicomte is a nice and charming gentleman!
Bernard,H. Le Duc de Wellington et la Belgique ( La Renaissance du Livre 1983) : The Belgians still have a special relation with The Prince of Waterloo; they basically want his heir, the 8th Duke to give them back those lands, his ancestor received from the House of Orange in reconnaisance of the victory at Waterloo. Although the title is distracting - this is a biography!
Aldington,R. Wellington (Morgarten Verlag Zürich 1948) : As far as I know the only translation of a biography of Wellington into the German language! I had to mention it..........being German myself!
Bryant,A. The Great Duke (William Morrow&Company,Inc. 1972) : As brilliant as all Bryant!
Hibbert,C. Wellington-A personal History ( Harper Collins 1997) : Well researched and instructive!
Guedalla,P. The Duke (Wordswortn Military Library 1997) : Anecdotic, nice, funny! I loved it.
Wilson, J. A Soldier's Wife - Wellington's Marriage ( Weidenfeld&Nicolson 1987) : Hard to find, because out-of-print, but it is an absolute must for those who want to understand Wellington, the man!
Delaforce,P. Wellington-The Beau ( The Windrush Press 1990) : Wonderfully and gossipy and historically often more then doubtful, nevertheless.............Enjoy it, if you can find it!
Keegan, J. The Mask of Command (Jonathan Cape 1987) : An excellent comparison of four commanders; Alexander of Macedonia, Wellington, Grant ......and Hitler! But nothing can be done about this last one and J.Keegan judged this monster right!
Neillands,R. Wellington and Napoleon - A Clash of Arms ( John Murray 1994) : One of the greatest stories in the history of War!
Rathbone, J. Wellington's War - His Peninsula Dispatches ( Michel Joseph Ltd. 1984) : This is the story of the astonishing Peninsula Campaign..........told by the one man who did more to direct its outcome then any other: Wellington himself! But Julian Rathbone added his skillful hand to the more sober style of Arthur, who was all but an accomplished thriller writer!
Haythornthwaite, P. The Armies of Wellington ( Arms and Armour 1994) : Those men who fought with the Duke.................Excellent research work and real knowledge. All Haythornthwaite books are valuable adds to any Napoleonic collection!
Muir, R. Britain and the Defeat of Napoleon 1807-1814 ( Yale University Press 1996) : The superb acoount of an accomplished historian of the final years - the Wellington and Castlereagh Years - of Britain's long fight against Revolutionary and Napoleonic France.
Dallas,G. The Final Act - The Roads to Waterloo ( Marian Wood 1996 ) : Diplomatic history deluxe and the account of Waterloo and the sheer brutality of an engagement where 40.000 men and 10.000 horses lost their lives is extremly interesting. Evolving around the Congress of Vienna, the book explains, why Napoleon and Wellington ever had to meet on a Field in Flanders!
Glover, M. Wellington as Military Commander (B.T.Batsford 1968) : An exciting narrative of Wellington's Campaigns. Hard to find, but worth the trip to your favorite used books dealer!
Connelly,O. Blundering to Glory - Napoleon's Military Campaigns (SR Books 1999) : An absolute must, if you prefer Wellington to Napoleon! I really enjoyed this one.
This would be my personal choice for a reading list for everybody who is seriously interested in learning more about Wellington's Wars and the environment in which they were fought. I tried to list also interesting general works and some works covering the French side, as history should always be studied with an unbiased eye!
If you want to know more about these books, simply follow there links right into Greenhill Publishers Webpages.
Becke, A.F.
Napoleon At
The Emperor's Campaign with the Armée du Nord, 1815
Brandt, Heinrich von
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of Napoleon
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Chandler, David
On The
Napoleonic Wars
Chesney, Colonel Charles C.
A Study of the Campaign of 1815
Coignet, Captain Jean-Roch
Note-Books Of Captain Coignet
Soldier of the Empire, 1799-1816
Corum, Michael and Uffindell, Andrew
On The
Fields Of Glory
The Battlefields of the 1815 Campaign
Griffith, Paddy
The Art Of
War Of Revolutionary France, 1789-1802
Hall, Dr. John A.
A History Of
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Volume VIII: The Biographical Dictionary of British Officers Killed and Wounded,
Hofschröer, Peter
1815: The
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Wellington, his German Allies and the Battles of Ligny and Quatre Bras
Hofschröer, Peter
1815: The
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From Waterloo to the Fall of Napoleon
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Jomini, Antoine Henri de
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Müffling, Baron Von
The Memoirs
Of Baron Von Müffling
A Prussian officer in the Napoleonic Wars
Nafziger, George
Tactics of the Napoleonic Battery, Battalion and Brigade as Found in Contemporary
North, Jonathan (Editor)
The Napoleon
Alternate Decisions of the Napoleonic Wars
Oman, Sir Charles
A History
Of The Peninsular War
Volume I: 1807 - 1809
From the Treaty of Fontainebleau to the Battle of Corunna
Oman, Sir Charles
A History
Of The Peninsular War
Volume II: January to September 1909
From Battle of Corunna to the end of the Talavera Campaign
Oman, Sir Charles
A History Of
The Peninsular War
Volume III: September 1809 - December 1810
Ocana, Cadiz, Bussaco, Torres Vedras
Oman, Sir Charles
A History Of
The Peninsular War
Volume IV: December 1810 - December 1811
Masséna's retreat, Fuentes de Onoro, Albuera, Tarragona
Oman, Sir Charles
A History
Of The Peninsular War
Volume V: October 1811 - August 31, 1812
Valencia, Ciudad Rodrigo, Badajoz, Salamanca, Madrid
Oman, Sir Charles
A History
Of The Peninsular War
Volume VI: September 1, 1812 - August 5, 1813
Siege of Burgos, retreat from Burgos, Vittoria Campaign, Battles of the Pyrenees
Oman, Sir Charles
A History Of
The Peninsular War
Volume VII: August 1813 - April 14, 1814
Capture of San Sebastian, Wellington's Invasion of France, Battles of the Nivelle, the
Nive, Orthez and Toulouse
Petre, F. Loraine
Napoleon At
Bay, 1814
Rousselot, Lucien
Elite Cavalry
Cavalry of the Imperial Guard, 18041815
Text by Edward Ryan
Smith, Digby
Greenhill Napoleonic Wars Data Book
Actions and Losses in Personnel, Colours, Standards and Artillery, 1792-1815
Siborne, Major-General H. T.
Siborne, Captain W.
Of The Waterloo Campaign
Surtees, William
Years In The Rifle Brigade
Uffindel, Andrew
The Eagle's
Last Triumph
Napoleon's Victory at Ligny, June 1815
Weller, Jac
The Duke and his Art of War
Weller, Jac
In India
Weller, Jac
In The Peninsula
Weller, Jac
At Waterloo
www.kgl.de : All you always wanted to know about the King's German Legion
: If you want to tour the Battlefield of Waterloo with an expert and
stioll have lots of fun with history, do not hesitate and contact
Trevor via this link. He'll certainly arange something passionate for
http://www.100megsfree4.com/rusgeneral/ : A superbe site, thanks to my friends Helen and Nick from Russia. Although far away from the Wars of Wellington, you should not miss the visit.
http://www.freicorps-von-luetzow.de : Indeed, there were Lützower troups at Waterloo .The fought with Prussian General von Tippelskirch and had their encounter with Marshal Emmanuel Grouchy during his pursuit of Blüchers advance. Visit this nice site of my knowledgable friend Michael from Germany.
www.napoleonicsociety.com : Well done and very complete. A good adress to visit
www.napoleon.org : Another very complete side and nicely structured
www.gallica.bnf.fr : My personal favorite: Here you can find with a sophisticated search engine old documents and old books around the Napoleonic subject. The good thing: You may load down whatever you like and enjoy reading printouts and not a computer screen. The bad thing: Loading of the .pdf - files takes quite some time.
www.napoleon-series.org : Serious, good and complete
www.invalides.org : The French Military Museum
www.klm.mra.be : The Belgian Royal Museum of the Army and Military History
www.national-army-museum.ac.uk : The British Army Museum
http://www.vam.ac.uk/Infodome/associated_museums/apsley_house/ : Apsley House - The Wellington Museum
http://www.stratfield-saye.co.uk/historical.html : Stratfield-saye Wellington's Country Seat
http://www.wtj.com/archives/wellington/ : Wellington's Dispatches
http://www.waterloo.org/tourisme/museecom.html : The pretty little museum, Wellington's Headquarters during the Battle of Waterloo and.............my personal favorite! All the personel is so kind and devoted, I'd say they are almost friends.
( To be continued !)